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Caballa Relics Boss
| Tombeth
| 121
| Gun
| Magic, Earth, Air
The Trident Maze
| Earth 48%
| 6,845x4
| 1,178
| ?
| 809
| 936
| 150
| 27%
| 61%
| 44%
| 44%
| 33%
| 27%
| 44%
| 44%
| 44%
| ?
Level 1 ~ 150
| Tombeth spawns in 20 min after the previous appearance.
Give 1x 500 Galder Coupon (consumed) to Rosemary at Caballa Relics Dungeon 3.
Starting with the first Explorer Reina you see, head clockwise for the proper order. Turn in Monster Quests to the next Explorer Reina.
- Trial 1: The Sleeping Soul of the Ancient 1
- Defeat 6x Guard Stone Soldier (Lv.60) in 1 min.
- Trial 2: Find Torn Clue 1
- Locate 1x Torn Clue 1 (drilled).
- Trial 3: The Sleeping Soul of the Ancient Relics 2
- Defeat 30x Awakened Guiana (Lv.70) in 10 min.
- Trial 4: Find Torn Clue 2
- Locate 1 Torn Clue 2 (drilled).
- Trial 5: Waking the Ancients
- Head southwest of Explorer Reina, going into the wall. Not too long afterwards, you will go through it.
- Catch 5x Philosopher's Stone (dropped by Awoken Mimic (Lv.65)).
- Decoded Clue 1 and Decoded Clue 2 are also used. They are obtained from the quests for the torn clues.
- Trial 6: Guide Stones
- After you get the Complete Decoded Doc, talk to the Explorer Reina in the middle. Give her the doc, then continue until you enter a room with Keeper Julio and Guide Sabrina.
- Drill to find a Chaotic Guide Stone, and defeat any monsters you find for Fractal Guide Stone or Brick Guide Stone. Please note that you may have to just proceed with a Chaotic Guide Stone if there are no monsters respawning.
- Talk to Guide Sabrina to use Brick Guide Stone or Chaotic Guide Stone, and Keeper Julio for Chaotic Guide Stone and Fractal Guide Stone together.
- Brick Guide Stone: Sends you to the room just one up from your current room.
- Chaotic Guide Stone: Sends you somewhere randomly.
- Chaotic Guide Stone and Fractal Guide Stone: Sends you four rooms forward from your current room. I advise you get three of each, as you only need to be teleported 3 times by Keeper Julio to reach the last room.
- There are 11 rooms in total. You start in room 7. Room 5 is the final room with only Guide Sabrina.
- WARNING: Awakened Chimu has Banish. I doubt you want to get sent back to Megalopolis if you're this far.
- Use Keeper Julio's teleport until you enter a room with just Guide Sabrina. Talk to her and go to the next floor.
- Trial 7: Awakening the Sleeping Souls
- Scary enough, there are two Indiana John. Talk to the John on the left. But there's no consequence if you talk to the wrong one.
- Defeat 2x Tombeth's Soul (Lv.100) in 5 min.
- You are then sent to The Trident Maze with a Keeper Julio right there. If you head to the back (East or right side), you'll find Fortune Teller and Guide Sabrina. Guide Sabrina teleports you to Tombeth.
Since the new Boss System is added, there is no need to rush and worry you will be teleported out of the trials because somebody already defeated it. You now have your own Boss Room! Wait for a moment and Tombeth will spawn. Do not panic, and start defeating it. Once it is defeated, check the ground for unique. After you defeat Tombeth, you will be teleported to Gate of Caballa Relics in 30 seconds. You'll have to wait 15 minutes before you can enter the trials again.
You are advised to have more than 2500 Weight as Philosopher's Stone weighs 500 each.