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Image:Power Icon.gif Power Type Image:Magic Icon.gif Magic Type Image:Sense Icon.gif Sense Type Image:Charm Icon.gif Charm Type


1st Job 2nd Job 3rd Job
Teacher Card Master Gambler Duke
Teacher Card Master Gambler


Duke Duke skills are similar to Entertainer skills, however their TM level requirements are different. To figure out the difference add 50 TM levels to all base of the original TM level. For more information see Duke Skills, or click one of the below skills for in-depth information. They cannot learn Evolution, Beast Claw, or Fatal Wound. Duke

Volley Kick Volley Kick Galder Barrage Galder Barrage Team Bolster Team Bolster Siren Song Siren Song
Fist Full of Galders Fist Full of Galders Sumo Suit Sumo Suit Deadly Funk Deadly Funk

Hair Dye Colors

Upon job advancing, all new Dukes will start out with a default brown hair color. If you want to change the color, you can purchase a Hair Dye item from MyShop. Once the item is used, your character will always have that color hair in that job, unless changed later. If you revert back to a previous job however, you will use whichever hair color that job was set at.

Basic Colors
Super Charming Color Super Charming Color 2,700 Points Duke Hair

Notes: Please note there are different hair dye items for each character and job when purchasing from MyShop.

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