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Chaos Bundi Dagger

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Chaos Bundi Dagger
Poniard Poniard Knife Knife Silver Knife Silver Knife Dagger Dagger Dirk Dirk
Flat Sword Flat Sword Kaldo Kaldo Kukri Kukri Main-Gauche Main-Gauche Stiletto Stiletto
Bundi Dagger Bundi Dagger Kalis Kalis Pugio Pugio Ring Knife Ring Knife Poignard Poignard
Seeker Seeker Jambiya Jambiya Bone Dagger Bone Dagger Khanjar Khanjar Sting Sting
Jur Jur Khopesh Khopesh Pesh Kabs Pesh Kabs Syabel Dagger Syabel Dagger Sword Breaker Pre-Revo Knives
Bundi Dagger Class
Bundi Dagger
Bundi Dagger
Old Sharp
Earth Attribute
Earth Attribute
Earth Attribute
Earth Attribute
Earth Attribute
Earth Attribute
Earth Attribute
Earth Attribute

Chaos Bundi Dagger

Chaos Bundi Dagger


Required Weight Value
Level 155 310 23,250
Time Refinable Temper
Compoundable Stats Slots
AC, DA, LK, Soil Attr 0~3
Stats Min/Max Ranges
Attack Power: 0 ~ 403
Magic Points:
Magic Attack:
Magic Defense:
Detect Ability: 0 ~ 38
Health Points:
Defense Points:
Hit Evasion:
Air Attribute: {{{Air}}}%
Electric Attribute: {{{Elec}}}%
Fire Attribute: {{{Fire}}}%
Soil Attribute: {{{Soil}}}%
Water Attribute: {{{Water}}}%
Light Attribute: {{{Light}}}%
Dark Attribute: {{{Dark}}}%
Shadow Attribute: {{{Shadow}}}%
Air Resistance: {{{AirR}}}%
Electric Resistance: {{{ElecR}}}%
Fire Resistance: {{{FireR}}}%
Soil Resistance: {{{SoilR}}}%
Water Resistance: {{{WaterR}}}%
Light Resistance: {{{LightR}}}%
Dark Resistance: {{{DarkR}}}%
Shadow Resistance: {{{ShadowR}}}%
Critical Probability: {{{Crit}}}%
Block Probability: {{{Block}}}%
Protection: {{{Prot}}}%
The master artisan accidentally dropped this in a pool of chaos for a moment. The stats are chaotic and unpredictable.
Dagger with Chaos attribute. 0~3 compound slots are randomly generated. Can be refined for more AP.
How to Obtain
Loot from Tower of Chaos Monsters, 14th to 18th Floor.
Open Lousy Chaos Box.
Exchange for Lousy Code S with Developer Project Manager L in Tower of Chaos 19th Floor (Safe Floor).
Used for
Exchange for Requiem Bundi Dagger with Professor Komby in Tower of Chaos 19th Floor (Safe Floor).
Tradable Bankable Droppable Sellable (to NPC)
Yes Yes Yes Yes

Swords Swords Knives Knives Canes Canes Guns Guns Blood Sword Special Weapons
Hats Hats Shields Shields Accessories Accessories Sprints Sprints Innerwear Innerwear
Capes Capes Head Accessories Head Accessories Face Accessories Face Accessories Ears Ears/Tails Fashion Fashion
Equipment Equipments Pets Pets Drills Drills Use Items Use/Etc. Items Image:Apricot Dart.gif Ammunition

ggFTW Games