Level 150
| 150
| 0
| MA
| Yes
MP, LK, Water Attr
| 3
Attack Power:
Magic Points:
| 990
| 734 ~ 1,336
Magic Attack:
| 34
| 26 ~ 45
Magic Defense:
Detect Ability:
| 17
| 13 ~ 22
Health Points:
Defense Points:
Hit Evasion:
Air Attribute: {{{Air}}}%
Electric Attribute: {{{Elec}}}%
Fire Attribute: {{{Fire}}}%
Soil Attribute: {{{Soil}}}%
Water Attribute: {{{Water}}}%
Light Attribute: {{{Light}}}%
Dark Attribute: {{{Dark}}}%
Shadow Attribute: {{{Shadow}}}%
Air Resistance: {{{AirR}}}%
Electric Resistance: {{{ElecR}}}%
Fire Resistance: {{{FireR}}}%
Soil Resistance: {{{SoilR}}}%
Water Resistance: {{{WaterR}}}%
Light Resistance: {{{LightR}}}%
Dark Resistance: {{{DarkR}}}%
Shadow Resistance: {{{ShadowR}}}%
Critical Probability: {{{Crit}}}%
Block Probability: {{{Block}}}%
Protection: {{{Prot}}}%
This Staff contains Wisdom, which is one of the 4 virtues that a Trickster must have.
Increases MP, MA, and LK. Can be refined for increased MA. 3 Compound slots are available.
Buy in MyShop for 5,400 Points.
| Yes
| No
| Yes