Level 60
| 30
| 0
| DP
| N/A
AC, HP, HV, Light Resist
| 3
Attack Power:
| 4
| 3 ~ 5
Magic Points:
Magic Attack:
Magic Defense:
| 32
| 24 ~ 43
Detect Ability:
Health Points:
| 240
| 180 ~ 324
Defense Points:
| 44
| 33 ~ 59
Hit Evasion:
| 6
| 5 ~ 8
Air Attribute: {{{Air}}}%
Electric Attribute: {{{Elec}}}%
Fire Attribute: {{{Fire}}}%
Soil Attribute: {{{Soil}}}%
Water Attribute: {{{Water}}}%
Light Attribute: {{{Light}}}%
Dark Attribute: {{{Dark}}}%
Shadow Attribute: {{{Shadow}}}%
Air Resistance: {{{AirR}}}%
Electric Resistance: {{{ElecR}}}%
Fire Resistance: {{{FireR}}}%
Soil Resistance: {{{SoilR}}}%
Water Resistance: {{{WaterR}}}%
Light Resistance: {{{LightR}}}%
Dark Resistance: {{{DarkR}}}%
Shadow Resistance: {{{ShadowR}}}%
Critical Probability: {{{Crit}}}%
Block Probability: {{{Block}}}%
Protection: {{{Prot}}}%
Defend your heart with Minaris' heart emblazoned shield. The power of love is so strong in the shield that it can reflect the damage from the enemies of the wielder.
Increases AC, MD, HP, DP and HV. Can be refined for increased DP. 3 Compound Slots are available.
Open Love Demon Box 60.
| Yes
| No
| Yes