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From ggFTW Trickster Wiki

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Title Guardian Skill
Guardian of Magic ?
He is wise and vicious. With one hand he casts light magic; with his other he wields powers of shadow. Together, they create terrible and frightening spells of unimaginable destruction.
Digrimm (move) Digrimm (transformation) Digrimm (detransformation)
Digrimm (move) Digrimm (auto) Digrimm (fight)
The Legendary Digrimm The Mighty Digrimm The Superior Digrimm Image:The Accomplished Digrimm.gif
The Legendary Digrimm The Mighty Digrimm The Superior Digrimm Image:The Accomplished Digrimm.png
Sephirens Digrimm Ifron Krusef Spinel
Sephirens Digrimm Ifron Krusef Spinel

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