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Chakra Balance

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Chakra Balance
Icon Name TM Level Type Learn Mastery Mastery Item Prerequisite
Chakra Balance Chakra Balance 240 Timer 6 4 Krybeth Card Krybeth Card x5 Chi Sword
Recovers HP continuously for a limited amount of time.
Formula HP is recovered every 2 seconds after activation.
Notes It'll cancel if you move or use skills.
Obtained from Chaos Tower monsters above 36th floor.
Level MP Cooldown HP Recovery Duration
1 450 10 seconds 100 seconds 30 seconds
2 480 10 seconds 150 seconds 30 seconds
3 510 10 seconds 200 seconds 30 seconds
4 540 10 seconds 250 seconds 30 seconds
5 570 10 seconds 300 seconds 30 seconds
6 600 10 seconds 350 seconds 30 seconds
7 630 10 seconds 400 seconds 30 seconds
8 660 10 seconds 450 seconds 30 seconds
9 690 10 seconds 500 seconds 30 seconds
10 720 10 seconds 550 seconds 30 seconds
Master 750 10 seconds 800 seconds 30 seconds

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